The ease of communication…

posting a letterI just want to get this out there, so bare with me, I’m about to complain. How easy has communication become nowadays? Its so easy to find someone, so easy to let someone know that you are still alive and breathing, so easy to say hi, I miss you. But how personal is this? How much of this do you really mean?

I personally find social media a waste of time. Don’t get me wrong, I also use it despite my current statement. But its so impersonal. I feel that its just too easy to see someones name on whatever page you are on (I’m not going to use names of sites, as you all know what I’m talking about) and send them a message. Would you have sent that person a message, if you haven’t seen their name? Following what I’m trying to say?

Would it not have been prodigious to live in the time when these things didn’t exist? When you had to write a letter to someone to stay in touch if they were distant? When a letter or a message actually meant that whomever sent the letter actually thought about you? Social media made us detached and emotionless like Oxygen. Just another atom floating in the space around us, used only to benefit another being. I mean, I would like to know whether or not the person actually thought about me, or if my name fortuitously appeared on their screen and they thought, “hey, lets send him a message because I haven’t done so in a long time”, or ever for that matter!

A phone call for example is a bit more personal, but still, would it not be nice to actually spend time with that person, instead of giving them a call? This can also be deceitful, as you cannot see their face. What if this person is putting up an act? Saying something that sounds friendly but with a face meaning something entirely different?

And a text! Wow, need I say more! Is there anything on this planet more impersonal and poker-faced than a text? You never know what type of emotion a person used when typing a text. Let me demonstrate: “I hate you!” That was a joke. See what I mean? And well, spelling also goes out the door. We use inappropriate abbreviations as words. I’ve also been a victim of this, as I got used to this type of “text language” that I started using it in school essays and examination papers, costing me a whole lot of sadness and dissatisfaction, but that’s beside the point.

I personally think that call, text and data rates should go up to an unaffordable amount like the fuel price is at the moment, and decrease the fuel price, so that people would actually make an effort to spend time with each other.

Don’t let your social skills go to waste. Make an effort to go see someone, or sent them a letter. They will appreciate it much more than a lifeless text or misleading phone call. I know I would, but that’s just me…