Being a writing god…

fantacy world

So, this is something new for me. Writing that is. My vocabulary is not astonishingly good, and my library of words lack, well, quite a few words. So why am I suddenly interested writing?

I’m a guy who likes to do my own thing. A leader, a man who likes to do things my way and my way only. I’m independent, and don’t like following the rules. I like to be in control of things and I make the rules. This is probably a bad characteristic, but that’s me, deal with it.

So, a friend recently suggested I read a book that she found inspiring and a good story I might like. At first I hesitated, because reading was honestly not something I was strongly interested in. I had the typical thinking of a five year old who can’t read, so I’d watch the movie or series instead. I eventually agreed to read the book, because well, I had nothing else to do. Little did I know that this book might change the entire course of my life.

This guy had me hooked. I saw something that I liked. He manipulated every corner of the story and had me coming back for more. I finished the book that same day, taking only two minute breaks to find something to nibble on while engaging in this unique new world I found. I liked what he did.

I found that when he wrote, he was the god of that story. He created everything, including the people, what they looked like, their history, their present, and future. I liked this so much that I picked up another book the following day and engaged in another entirely new world. It was as if the world I lived in ceased to exist. Lost in this book I got a bout of inspiration. What if I could be a god?

I took her tablet, opened a strange, never before heard of word processor application she had installed on it and started typing. I loved it! It was a sensation that is imposable for me to describe because of my small vocabulary, and lack of preposterous words. I was a god. I created a new world. My imagination went wild. I couldn’t stop myself from typing. I was like a stereotypical mad scientist who just created a an evil machine that could help him take over the world.

I like to write, and its a new passion I found. I like to be in control of my story. Writing allows me, to be me, to make the rules, and create whatever I want even If its something absurd that normal unimaginative people will find weird. Its a way of expressing my feelings. A way to break free from the real world and just be me.

So if you are new to writing like me, don’t think you cant do it, or let anyone tell you its a broken dream because who cares if you cant? You are the god. You can create anything you like. Even if its a unicorn able to make you pizza, sing you to sleep, fly you to a magical forest where watermelons grow on trees, the animals can speak English and poop money and where rivers of chocolate flow into an abundant lake of ice cream.

Writing is now possibly something I will do for the rest of my life. It sets me free, and allows me to be a god every time my hand holds a pen or my fingers come in contact with the keyboard.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Maya Angelou